2024 NUCs
Locally raised bees that have adapted to the Pacific Northwest and are gentle to manage.
Featured Products
2024 NUCs
Five frame NUC with all ages of brood, bees and a laying queen. A NUC is weeks ahead of a package.
2024 Carniolans Queens
Unlike other breeds the Carniolans bees have the ability to winter in cold, wet climates making it a good fit for our for the Pacific Northwest.
Beeswax and Candles
Whats all the buzz about beeswax and candles.
Coffee with a Beekeeper
Have coffe with a beekeeper every Saturday morning at 9:00 AM on ZOOM. Join our community of beekeepers and get all of your beekeeping questions answered.
WASBA Beginning Beekeeper Class
The purpose of the Beginning Beekeeping Course is to introduce people to what it means to be a hobbyist beekeeper before deciding to invest time, energy, and money in setting up an apiary (one or more hives). “WASBA”
WASBA Apprentice Beekeeper Class
The Apprentice Beekeeping Course is designed for someone who has had at least one year of hands-on beekeeping, has taken the Beginning Beekeeping class, and wants to learn more about honey bees and best beekeeping management practices.
About Bees
Queen Bee
The Queen is the only bee in the colony that lays eggs, maintaining the bee population in the hive. In short, she is the mother of all. She communicates using pheromones to support the function and health of the colony by instructing the worker bees to perform critical and necessary tasks. Therefore, the key to a strong colony is to have a good Queen.
Drone Bee
The Drones are male bees hatched from unfertilized eggs. Drones comprise 15% of the colony and are an essential part of the bee community. While they do not perform daily tasks, their sole purpose is to mate with virgin queens to advance the next generation of honeybees. Drones mate in the air with virgin queens from other colonies to prevent inbreeding and do not breed with their sisters.
Worker Bee
The Worker bees are female and perform all tasks in the colony except egg laying, which belongs to the Queen. The average lifespan of a worker bee is 45 days, and during this time, she will perform each task to advance the colony. Therefore, a substantial colony must have a large number of worker bees in the hive.