2025 NUCs

Quality Products, Training, and Services We Do All Things Bees!

    Many people start their hives by purchasing packaged bees. The main difference between a package and a NUC is that package bees need to build wax frames for the queen to lay eggs and store food, which delays colony development by weeks. In contrast, a NUC comes with about 3 pounds of bees in an already established 5-frame colony. This small colony includes a laying queen, brood in all stages of development, pollen, and honey, providing everything needed to start your hive off right. It’s common to see new bees hatching the day you receive your NUC, allowing the hive to build quickly due to the increased number of bees collecting pollen and nectar.

  This year, the NUCs will be delivered in newly designed Pro NUC reusable plastic NUC boxes. While these boxes are normally $23.95, we will be asking for a $10 deposit, which you will receive as a store credit for each box returned. These boxes can be used for various purposes and are a great value for those who wish to keep them.

  Our NUCs come with locally bred Carnica Queens (Carniolan). These bees are very hardy and gentle, raised in Washington State, and have adapted well to this area. Receive a discounted price when you purchase ten or more.