Winter Quilt Box

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Winter Quilt Box


The most versatile quilt box on the market, it can be used both winter and summer replacing your inner cover. In the winter just fill the burlap sack (included) with cedar or pine shavings (not included), this will absorb moisture that is caused by condensation from the heat produced by the bee cluster. You can check on your bees by simply lifting the burlap sack and add feed if needed. There is enough room to place your winter feed between the quilt box and top deep. You can also feed sugar blocks through the screen in the quilt box. The quilt box come with a built-in top entrance giving bees easy access for cleansing flights on those warm winter days. In the summer the burlap sack can be removed allowing additional ventilation and secure feeding in the hive using a quart or pint jar. This item is pick up only. 

SKU N/A Category

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 23 × 18 × 7 in

10 frame, 8 frame