Onsite Bee Consultant

Quality Products, Training, and Services
We Do All Things Bees!

Onsite Bee Consultant

     Woods Bee Co. has always been committed to serving the beekeepers within our community. However, we have decided to take our commitment a step further by accepting appointments for onsite consulting visits to assist the beekeeper in identifying, addressing, and solving common problems.

    Because these visits involve time, mileage, and gas, there will be a minimal charge for each visit. The service for each site visit will consist of a mite check, a general health assessment, and 15 minutes to address any other issues for two hives. We will assist with other tasks, such as splitting hives or finding the queen. However, if you need a queen or other equipment, we recommend that you purchase the items prior to the visit, and we’ll bring them.

    In order for Woods Bee Co. to properly manage this service, we recommend that you call at least a week prior to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions, please feel free to call (360)623-3359.

How to schedule an appointment.

  To schedule an appointment please email bees@woodsbeeco.com or call (360)623-3359. The cost for this service is $75.00 within 20 miles and $1.50 per mile after that. When making an appointment, please provide your name, address, phone number, and available dates of service, and we will contact you and make arrangements.